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Updates 12/07/2020

Locos 1.1


08441 owner RSS, location Bounds Green TMD and status A

08480 location Bristol Barton Hill Depot and status A

08632 location Chasewater Railway and status R

08730 owner RSS and location RSS, Rye Farm, Wishaw

08762 location Great Yarmouth Vauxhall Sidgs

08780 renumbered D3948, colour scheme BR Green, location Crewe DMD and named Zippy

08927 owner RSS and location Bescot Yard

20087 location Worksop Yard

20096 renumbered D8096, colour scheme BR Green, location Barrow Hill Roundhouse and status R

20110 location Worksop Yard

D6757 renumbered to 37057, colour scheme Yellow & Orange with Black roof and status R

37059 owner LORM and location Derby RTC

37069 owner LORM and location Derby RTC

37418 named "An Comunn Gaidhealach"

43044 status W

43052 operator EUPX, location Leicester TMD and status A

43054 operator EUPX, location Leicester TMD and status A

43066 operator EUPX, location Leicester TMD and status A

43083 location Eastleigh Works

43162 colour scheme GW Green

43238 colour scheme All-over Red, owner EMR, location Neville Hill TMD and denamed

43272 location Barrow Hill Roundhouse and status W

43300 location Neville Hill TMD and status W

43302 location Barrow Hill Roundhouse and status W

43465 location Barrow Hill Roundhouse and status W

56087 status R

56090 status R

57311 location Bo'ness & Kinneil Railway and status Q

66790 location Doncaster Roberts Road and status A

66791 location Doncaster Roberts Road, status A and named Neil Bennett

66792 location Eastleigh Works and status R

69001 swap with 69002

70017 status A

86604 location Crewe IEMD and status R

86628 status W

90014 location Toton TMD, status R and denamed

90020 denamed

91117 location Doncaster Wabtec and status R

91120 location Doncaster Wabtec and status E

91121 location Doncaster Mail Terminal and status Q

91126 location Doncaster Mail Terminal and status Q

DMU 1.2


142011 (moved to Preserved 2.3, location Midland Railway Centre, Butterley)

142013 (moved to Preserved 2.3, location Midland Railway Centre, Butterley)

142065 location Newton Heath and status A

142071 location Newton Heath and status A

142087 location Newton Heath and status A

153302 owner n/a, location Ely Papworth and status W

153318 owner n/a, location Ely Papworth and status W

153368 owner n/a, location Ely Papworth and status W

153372 owner n/a, location Ely Papworth and status W

153374 owner n/a, location Ely Papworth and status W

153382 owner n/a, location Ely Papworth and status W

158901 colour scheme White with Blue ends

158902 colour scheme White with Blue ends

158903 colour scheme White with Blue ends

158904 colour scheme White with Blue ends

158905 colour scheme White with Blue ends

158906 colour scheme White with Blue ends

158907 colour scheme White with Blue ends

158908 colour scheme White with Blue ends

158909 colour scheme White with Blue ends

158910 colour scheme White with Blue ends and denamed


142051 (scrapped)

EMU 1.3


350122 colour scheme Grey with dark Green doors

373215 location Temple Mills TMD

373216 location Temple Mills TMD

373217 location Temple Mills TMD and status W

373218 location Temple Mills TMD and status W

390122 colour scheme White with Yellow "mask" ends

390130 colour scheme Turquoise, Blue and White

390134 colour scheme Turquoise, Blue and White

390042 colour scheme White with Yellow "mask" ends

777005 status A

777009 status A

701001 - 701060 Stock Formation (last two digits represent train number) 480001 481001 482001 483001 484001 485001 486001 487001 488001 489001

701501 - 701530 Stock Formation (last two digits represent train number) 480101 481101 482101 483101 484101


315817 (scrapped)

315836 (scrapped)


Class 805

805001 - 805013 (5 car units)

Turquoise, Blue and White | AWC | Longsight | Q

Class 807

807001 - 807010 (7 car units)

Turquoise, Blue and White | AWC | Longsight | Q

Coaches 1.4


6346 colour scheme ROG Blue, owner ROG and location Leicester TMD

10321 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe

10323 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

10326 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

10330 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe

10522 (moved to Preserved 2.4, location Wensleydale Railway)

11219 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

11280 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

11305 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

11307 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

11320 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe and status A

11321 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe, owner GCT and status A

11405 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

11407 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

12209 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

12222 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe

12224 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe

12231 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

12300 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

12323 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe

12326 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe

12405 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

12411 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

12461 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe

12472 location MoD Long Marston and status W

12477 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe

12486 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

12489 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

12520 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

12522 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

12534 location MoD Long Marston and status W

40801 location Eastleigh Works and status R

40802 owner LSL, location Eastleigh Works and status R

42009 location Doncaster Wabtec

42029 location Doncaster Wabtec

42032 owner n/a, location Doncaster Wabtec and status Q

42035 owner n/a, location Doncaster Wabtec and status Q

42205 moved to Extant, location Cambuslang Fire Training Svcs and status I

42209 owner n/a, location Doncaster Wabtec and status Q

42210 moved to Extant, location Aberdeen Fire Training Svcs and status I

44078 location Eastleigh Works and status R

46006 owner LSL, location Eastleigh Works and status R

46014 owner LSL, location Eastleigh Works and status R

82107 owner EUPX and location Leicester TMD

82200 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe

82204 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

82210 location Doncaster Wabtec and status W

82227 colour scheme Black with Orange stripe and status A


11241 | 11244 | 11290 | 11291 | 11419 | 11420 | 11422

12400 | 12441 | 12460 | 12470 | 12473 | 12476

40118 | 40419 | 40716 | 40718 | 40733 | 40752 | 40803 | 40809 | 40901 | 40903


42081 | 42229 | 42263

44013 | 44049 | 44065 | 44073

Preserved Locos 2.1


13000 location Worksop Yard

20007 (moved to Locos 1.1, owner LORM and location Derby RTC)

20069 location Worksop Yard

20205 (moved to Locos 1.1, owner LORM, location Derby RTC and status A)

25313 location Worksop Yard

37263 colour scheme Dutch Grey & Yellow

Preserved Coaches 2.4


255 (Somerset & Dorset) location East Somerset Railway

10531 (Weardale) correction, location Wensleydale



Mk3 | 6105 | DVT | Orange & Black | West Clare Railway | A

Mk3 | 6402 | 40513 | TO | Orange & Black | West Clare Railway | A

Mk3 | 7146 | RBO | Orange & Black | West Clare Railway | A

Engineers 4.1


DR 75012 | ZWA | Unimat 09-4x4/4S Dynamic Tamper | White, Blue & Orange | A | Dual number 9970 9123 012-5

DR 75013 | ZWA | Unimat 09-4x4/4S Dynamic Tamper | White, Blue & Orange | A | Dual number 9970 9123 013-3

DR 79602 | ZWA | Schweerbau HSM High-Speed Milling Machine | Yellow, Grey and White | A | Dual number 9970 9427 064-9

DR 79603 | ZWA | Schweerbau HSM High-Speed Milling Machine | Yellow, Grey and White | A | Dual number 9970 9427 065-6

DR 79605 | ZWA | Schweerbau HSM High-Speed Milling Machine | Yellow, Grey and White | A | Dual number 9970 9527 005-1


77315 (scrapped)

77316 (scrapped)

78223 (scrapped)

78224 (scrapped)

81507 (scrapped)

81511 (scrapped)

Private Owner 4.2


4101 - 4139 now JSA Open Steel Wagons

Moved to Internal Users

26003 | 26004 | 26006 | 26012 | 26013 | 26026 | 26046 | 26060 | 26062 | 26078 | 26084 | 26087 | 26095 | 26096 The others listed here are already duplicates and as such now deleted from this section.


3103 | 3116 | 3122 | 3126 | 3139

26563 | 26629 | 26658 | 26670

95379 | 95380 (both exported to France)

97001 duplicate of 8370 4798 030-0

Air Braked 4.3


310387 | 310678

390167 | 390204 | 390214 | 390259




RIV 4.4


33 70 2797


83 70 4520

198-0 - 365-5 inclusive (new order for GBRF)

83 70 4521

035-3 to 118-7 inclusive (new order for GBRF)

31 70 4913

014-4 to 152-8 (all converted, the whole class of 4913 now gone)

81 70 6774

036-2 | 037-0 | 038-8 | 039-6 | 040-4 | 041-2 | 042-0 | 043-8 | 044-6 | 045-3 | 046-1 | 047-9 | 048-7 | 049-5 | 050-3 | 051-1 | 052-9 | 053-7 | 054-5 | 055-2 | 056-0 | 057-8 | 058-6 | 059-4 | 060-2 | 061-0 | 062-8 | 063-6 | 064-4 | 065-1 | 066-9 | 067-7 | 068-5 | 069-3 | 070-1 | 071-9 | 072-7 | 073-5 | 074-3 | 075-0

33 80 2797 (international barrier for Class 777 traffic)


33 80 2798 stored at Carlisle New Yard



8370 4798 030-0 moved to Internal User

8370 4913 007-8 and 8370 4913 020-1 renumbered to 3170 4938 204-5

8370 4913 009-4 and 8370 4913 013-6 renumbered to 3170 4938 152-6

3370 4938 332-2 renumbered to 3170 4938 001-5


33 68 4909 (renumbered or no longer working in the UK)

018-6 | 020-2 | 022-8 | 029-3 | 043-4 | 046-7 | 048-3 | 049-1 | 056-6 | 065-7 | 072-3 | 073-1 | 089-7 | 150-7 | 161-4 | 162-2 | 165-5 | 168-9 | 183-8 | 184-6 | 185-4 | 186-1 | 187-9 | 191-1 | 192-9 | 195-2 | 196-0 | 301-6 | 302-4 | 308-1 | 309-9 | 312-3 | 320-6 | 321-4 | 332-1 | 338-8 | 343-8 | 344-6 | 349-5 | 354-5 | 357-8 | 361-0 | 364-4 | 365-1 | 369-3 | 379-2 | 381-8 | 385-9 | 399-0 | 402-2 | 417-0 | 424-6 | 425-3 | 426-1 | 430-3 | 431-1 | 434-5 | 436-0 | 437-8 | 438-6 | 439-4 | 440-2 | 443-6 | 446-9 | 455-0 | 457-6 | 459-2 | 461-6 | 462-6 | 463-4 | 468-3 | 478-2 | 488-1 | 489-9 | 497-2 | 503-7 | 505-2 | 508-6 | 548-2 | 549-0 | 553-2 | 556-5 | 557-3 | 559-9 | 562-3 | 564-9 | 567-2 | 570-6 | 571-4 | 572-2 | 576-3 | 590-4 | 591-2 | 596-1 | 599-5 | 602-7 | 606-8 | 608-4 | 616-7 | 624-1 | 666-2 | 667-0 | 704-1 | 709-0 | 721-5 | 767-8 | 769-4 | 777-7 | 780-1 | 781-9 | 794-2 | 863-5 | 867-6 | 868-4 | 872-6 | 883-3 | 885-8 | 886-6 | 888-2 | 889-0 | 901-3 | 903-9 | 912-0 | 917-9 | 918-7 | 922-9 | 927-8 | 935-1 | 936-9 | 943-5 | 947-6 | 949-2 | 952-6 | 961-7

33 70 0899

005-9 to 065-3 (scrapped)

33 70 2797 (scrapped)

196-5 | 240-1 | 270-8 | 299-7

85 70 4971 (scrapped)

000-0 | 042-2 | 049-7 | 059-6

21 70 6094 (scrapped)


33 80 0699 001 - 012

Wagons in storage abroad, awaiting disposal

24 80 2398

062-1 | 069-6 | 093-6 | 097-7 (scrapped)

23 80 2398

504-3 | 534-0 | 539-9 | 541-5 | 542-3 | 545-6 | 549-8 | 551-4 | 556-3 | 557-1 | 562-1 | 567-0 | 569-6 | 580-3 | 583-7 | 607-4 | 612-4 | 619-9 (scrapped)

33 80 2693

018-4 (scrapped)

33 80 2797

197-1 (scrapped)

33 80 4736

015-5 | 037-9 (scrapped)

83 80 4741 (scrapped)

011-6 | 024-9 | 031-4 | 034-8 | 036-3 | 042-1 | 044-7 | 047-0 | 049-6 | 094-2

37 80 4909 (renumbered or no longer working in the UK)

003-8 | 004-6 | 005-3 | 008-7 | 010-3 | 011-1 | 015-2 | 016-0 | 017-8 | 018-6 | 021-0 | 022-8 | 023-6 | 024-4 | 026-9 |

027-7 | 028-5 | 031-9 | 032-7 | 033-5 | 037-6 | 038-4 | 039-2 | 040-0 | 043-4 | 044-2 | 045-9 | 046-7 | 047-5 | 050-9 | 051-7 | 052-5 | 053-3 | 054-1 | 056-6 | 057-4 | 058-2 | 059-0 | 060-8 | 061-6 | 062-4 | 064-0 | 065-7 | 066-5 | 067-3 | 068-1 | 070-7 | 071-5 | 072-3 | 073-1 | 074-9 | 075-6 | 076-4 | 077-2 | 079-8 | 080-6 | 081-4 | 083-0 | 085-5 | 086-3 | 082-2 | 087-1 | 088-9 | 091-3 | 092-1 | 093-9 | 094-7 | 096-2 | 097-0 | 098-8 | 099-6 | 100-2 | 101-0 | 102-8 | 103-6 | 104-4 | 105-1 | 106-9 | 108-5 | 109-3 | 117-6 | 119-2 | 120-0 | 121-9 | 122-6 | 123-4 | 126-7 | 127-5 | 128-3 | 130-9 |

131-7 | 132-5 | 133-3 | 135-8 | 136-6 | 137-4 | 138-2 | 139-0 | 140-8 | 141-6 | 142-4 | 143-2 | 145-7 | 146-5 | 148-1 | 149-9 | 150-7 | 151-5 | 153-1 | 154-9 | 156-4 | 157-2 | 158-0 | 160-6 | 163-0 | 166-3 | 167-1 | 169-7 | 170-5 | 171-3 | 172-1 | 173-9 | 174-7 | 175-4 | 176-2 | 177-0 | 178-8 | 179-6 | 180-4 | 181-2 | 182-0 | 183-8 | 184-6 | 186-1 | 187-9 | 189-5 | 193-7 | 194-5 | 196-0 | 197-8 | 198-6 | 199-4 | 200-0 | 202-6 | 205-9 | 206-7 | 208-3 | 209-1 | 210-9 | 214-1 | 215-8 | 216-6 | 217-4 | 218-2 | 219-0 | 220-8

33 80 7793 000 - 019

Wagons not reported in UK for 5+ years

33 80 7794 000 - 036

Wagons not reported in UK for 5+ years

33 80 7891 002 - 003

Wagons not reported in UK for 5+ years

33 80 7892 002 - 013

Wagons not reported in UK for 5+ years

33 80 7894 (scrapped) 013-1 | 032-1

33 80 7995 004-8 (scrapped)

33 80 7996 (scrapped)

100-3 | 125-0

37 80 9383 000-8

Wagon in storage abroad, awaiting disposal

31 83 2795

006-5 | 012-3 | 021-4 | 024-8 | 035-4 | 038-8 | 043-8 | 054-5 | 063-6 | 082-6 | 095-8 | 110-5 | 113-9 | 120-4 | 124-6 | 134-5 | 135-2 | 140-2 | 143-6 | 146-9 | 158-4 | 164-2 | 170-9 | 177-4 | 178-2 | 181-6 | 183-2 (scrapped)

33 87 0699 002-2

Wagon in storage abroad, awaiting disposal

43 87 4333

017-9 | 022-9 (scrapped)

33 87 7797 (scrapped)


33 87 7890 (scrapped) 511-1 | 512-9 | 525-1 | 533-5 | 545-9 | 548-3 | 550-9 | 552-5 | 563-2

33 87 7896 (scrapped) 002-5 | 007-4

33 87 7898 (scrapped) 095-7 | 096-5 | 097-3

33 87 7996 (scrapped)

031-3 | 039-6

33 87 9282 010-6 (scrapped)

33 87 9382 003-0 (scrapped)

33 88 4910 000 - 149

Wagons not reported in UK for 5+ years

Preserved Wagons


ADB 900114 | 024439 | 21t | 4w Trolley Flat | Flatrol EAC | Mid Norfolk Railway

Internal Users 4.7


530199 (Hornsey) scrapped

530478 (Hornsey) scrapped

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