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Updates 05/11/17

Loco 1.1


08585 location LHGS, Barton-under-Needwood and status R

08785 location Trafford Park Freight Terminal and status A

08934 location Barrow Hill Roundhouse and status R

09106 location Dagenham Dock and status A

20309 status A

20312 status A

37146 location Allely's, Studley and status Q

37604 status W

43033 owner SCOT, location Brush Traction, Loughborough and status Q

43036 owner SCOT, location Brush Traction, Loughborough and status Q

43134 owner SCOT, location Brush Traction, Loughborough and status Q

43148 owner SCOT, location Brush Traction, Loughborough and status Q

57305 colour scheme Brown & Cream

57312 colour scheme Brown & Cream

67021 colour scheme Brown & Cream

67024 colour scheme Brown & Cream

68023 location Crewe Gresty Bridge TMD

68024 location Crewe Gresty Bridge TMD

68025 location Crewe Gresty Bridge TMD

86604 location Basford Hall TMD

86605 location Basford Hall TMD

86607 location Basford Hall TMD

86608 location Basford Hall TMD

86609 location Basford Hall TMD

86610 location Basford Hall TMD

86612 location Basford Hall TMD

86613 location Basford Hall TMD

86614 location Basford Hall TMD

86622 location Basford Hall TMD

86627 location Basford Hall TMD

86628 location Basford Hall TMD

86632 location Basford Hall TMD

86637 location Basford Hall TMD

86638 location Basford Hall TMD

86639 location Basford Hall TMD

90016 location Basford Hall TMD

90041 location Basford Hall TMD

90042 location Basford Hall TMD

90043 location Basford Hall TMD

90044 location Basford Hall TMD

90045 location Basford Hall TMD

90046 location Basford Hall TMD

90047 location Basford Hall TMD

90048 location Basford Hall TMD

90049 location Basford Hall TMD

DMU 1.2


55020 location Tyseley

121034 owner LSL, location Crewe DMD and status A

960014 location Tyseley

156443 colour scheme White & Lilac

156444 colour scheme White & Lilac

156472 colour scheme White & Lilac

156482 colour scheme White & Lilac

156484 colour scheme White & Lilac

156489 colour scheme White & Lilac

158736 colour scheme Dark Blue with White spots

158740 colour scheme Dark Blue with White spots

170417 colour scheme Dark Blue with White spots

185110 colour scheme Silver with Blue & Purple ends

185118 colour scheme Silver with Blue & Purple ends

185121 colour scheme Silver with Blue & Purple ends

Formation Amendments below

221136 60386 60886 60786 60486 221140 60390 60890 60790 60490 221142 60392 60992 60986 60792 60492 221143 60393 60993 60994 60793 60493 221144 60394 60990 60794 60494

EMU 1.3


315840 status W

315848 status W

319421 location Long Marston and status W

319442 colour scheme White with Blue doors & cabs

321401 location Doncaster Works and status W

321402 location Doncaster Works and status W

321404 location Leicester TMD and status W

321901 location Ilford EMUD and status W

345021 status A

375818 colour scheme Dark Blue with light Blue doors

375819 colour scheme Dark Blue with light Blue doors

375822 colour scheme Dark Blue with light Blue doors

375914 colour scheme Dark Blue with light Blue doors

375916 colour scheme Dark Blue with light Blue doors

375917 colour scheme Dark Blue with light Blue doors

377509 colour scheme Dark Blue with light Blue doors, location Bedford and status A

377510 location Bedford and status A

377511 colour scheme Dark Blue with light Blue doors, location Bedford and status A

377512 location Bedford and status A

377518 colour scheme Dark Blue with light Blue doors

387166 status A

387167 status A

387168 status A

387169 status A

390006 colour scheme White with Red ends and renamed Rethink Mental Illness

390009 colour scheme White with Red ends

390010 colour scheme White with Red ends


345 | 345066 | 340166 | 340266 | 340366 | 340466 | 340566 | 340666 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q

|||340766 | 340866 | 340966 345 | 345067 | 340167 | 340267 | 340367 | 340467 | 340567 | 340667 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340767 | 340867 | 340967 345 | 345068 | 340168 | 340268 | 340368 | 340468 | 340568 | 340668 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340768 | 340868 | 340968 345 | 345069 | 340169 | 340269 | 340369 | 340469 | 340569 | 340669 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340769 | 340869 | 340969 345 | 345070 | 340170 | 340270 | 340370 | 340470 | 340570 | 340670 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340770 | 340870 | 340970 345 | 345071 | 340171 | 340271 | 340371 | 340471 | 340571 | 340671 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340771 | 340871 | 340971 345 | 345072 | 340172 | 340272 | 340372 | 340472 | 340572 | 340672 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340772 | 340872 | 340972 345 | 345073 | 340173 | 340273 | 340373 | 340473 | 340573 | 340673 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340773 | 340873 | 340973 345 | 345074 | 340174 | 340274 | 340374 | 340474 | 340574 | 340674 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340774 | 340874 | 340974 345 | 345075 | 340175 | 340275 | 340375 | 340475 | 340575 | 340675 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340775 | 340875 | 340975 345 | 345076 | 340176 | 340276 | 340376 | 340476 | 340576 | 340676 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340776 | 340876 | 340976 345 | 345077 | 340177 | 340277 | 340377 | 340477 | 340577 | 340677 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q

|||340777 | 340877 | 340977 345 | 345078 | 340178 | 340278 | 340378 | 340478 | 340578 | 340678 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q

|||340778 | 340878 | 340978 345 | 345079 | 340179 | 340279 | 340379 | 340479 | 340579 | 340679 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q

|||340779 | 340879 | 340979 345 | 345080 | 340180 | 340280 | 340380 | 340480 | 340580 | 340680 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q

|||340780 | 340880 | 340980 345 | 345081 | 340181 | 340281 | 340381 | 340481 | 340581 | 340681 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q

|||340781 | 340881 | 340981 345 | 345082 | 340182 | 340282 | 340382 | 340482 | 340582 | 340682 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q

|||340782 | 340882 | 340982 345 | 345083 | 340183 | 340283 | 340383 | 340483 | 340583 | 340683 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q

|||340783 | 340883 | 340983 345 | 345084 | 340184 | 340284 | 340384 | 340484 | 340584 | 340684 | White & Purple | GTL | Old Oak Common | Q |||340784 | 340884 | 340984

Coaches 1.4


41038 owner SCOT, location Ely Papworth Sidings and status Q

42004 owner SCOT, location Ely Papworth Sidings and status Q

42055 owner SCOT, location Ely Papworth Sidings and status Q

42108 owner SCOT, location Ely Papworth Sidings and status Q

42292 owner SCOT, location Ely Papworth Sidings and status Q

42343 owner SCOT, location Ely Papworth Sidings and status Q

42562 owner SCOT, location Ely Papworth Sidings and status Q

44079 owner SCOT, location Ely Papworth Sidings and status Q

Trams 1.5


222 named Michelle and Richard Daniels

3022 named Spirit of Manchester

399201 status A

399202 status A

399203 status A

399204 status A

399205 status A

399206 status A

399207 status A

Preserved Locos 2.1


08774 location Goodmans Yard, Wishaw and status R


20177 (scrapped)

Preserved Units 2.3


975076 (Glous & Warks) location West Somerset Railway

Preserved Coaches 2.4


4440 (Glous & Warks) location Ecclesbourne Valley Railway

999508 (West Somerset) colour scheme Maroon with Gold stripe

Air Braked Wagons 4.3


910081 | 910090 | 910112 | 910165 | 910170 | 910224 | 910234 | 910239 | 910281 | 910340 | 910396 | 910422 | 910487

RIV 4.4


83 70 0689 Tanoos | IIA Bogie Mechanical Roof Hopper

2017 NACCO | Lynemouth Biomass Traffic

001-1 | 002-9 | 003-7 | 004-5 | 005-2 | 006-0 | 007-8 | 008-6 | 009-4 | 010-2 | 011-0 | 012-8 | 013-6 | 014-4 | 015-1 | 016-9 | 017-7 | 018-5 | 019-3 | 020-1 | 021-9 | 022-7 | 023-5 | 024-3 | 025-0 | 026-8 | 027-6 | 028-4 | 029-2 | 030-0 | 031-8 | 032-6 | 033-4 | 034-2 | 035-9 | 036-7 | 037-5 | 038-3 | 039-1 | 040-9 | 041-7 | 042-5 | 043-3 | 044-1 | 045-8 | 046-6 | 047-4 | 048-2 | 049-0 | 050-8


24 71 2398 Hbfis

No longer considered UK traffic

24 71 4378 Haagrss

No longer considered UK traffic

24 71 4438 Lfgss

No longer considered UK traffic

34 71 4966

No longer considered UK traffic

Preserved Wagons 4.5


87867 (Epping Ongar) location Goodman's, Sutton Coldfield

2317 (Rutland) location Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway

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