Updates 20/12
Private Wagons 4.2
Extant section Deleted 51421, 51766, 53721, 53725, 53741, 56003, 57287, 61202, 61323, 61550, 67863, 70069, 70071, 70072, 70074, 70088, 70520, 70521, 83588, 83634, 83655, 83764, 83860, 84141, 87867
Added 66214 Neville Hill TMD 66230 Neville Hill TMD
Air Braked Wagons 4.3 Deleted 910007
Extant section Deleted 200081, 200161, 230966, 999077, 904520, 923093, 951789, 954528, 954797, 977085, 983035, 988204
Deleted, but also listed in the preserved section 4.5 200017, 200105, 200176, 200203, 900312, 900922, 900929, 904129, 950236, 954550, 993412, 993610
Deleted, but also listed in the Internal User sections 950925, 982413, 982432, 993829
Added Extant 041498 Neville Hill TMD Extant 200002 Laira TMD Extant 200178 Laira TMD Extant 947937 Neville Hill TMD Extant 947960 Neville Hill TMD Extant 952647 Neville Hill TMD Extant 530478 Hornsey Extant 787234 Tyne Yard Extant 992827 Whatley Quarry
Moved from Extant to main section 112077, 360104, 361264, 950216, 950652
Preserved Wagons 4.5 Added 87867 | 102t | Bogie Petrol Tank | Fuel Oil | Coryton Oil Refinery | owned by NWPG B | 462732 | 16t | 4w Steel Flatbed | Palbrick B | Cambrian Heritage Railway ADE | 230966 | 22t | 4w Machinery Flat | Lowmac EQ | Nemesis Rail, Burton-on-Trent | being restored for MNR ADB | 900922 | 25t | Bogie Well Trolley | Weltrol WP | Eastleigh Works ADB | 900929 | 25t | Bogie Well Trolley | Weltrol WP | Eastleigh Works DB | 993345 | 24t | 4w Steel Hopper | Dogfish | Eastleigh Works | owned by Mid Hants Rly DB | 993412 | 24t | 4w Steel Hopper | Dogfish | Great Central Railway | owned by Mid Hants Rly B | 904520 | 25t | 4w Machinery Flat | Lowmac EP | Embsay & Bolton Abbey Railway
Updated BPCM 77068 capacity is 35t (located at Midland Railway Centre) PP 85209 capacity is 96t (located at National Railway Museum Shildon)